Jose Vicente Rangel: within the opposition grow reproaches to their leadership

Journalist José Vicente Rangel said that within the Venezuelan opposition grow reproaches for the way the main leaders of that movement are disengaged from a series of serious problems.

“One of them, and perhaps the main one at present time, is the way violent armed groups have taken control of the demonstrations. These groups, comprised by elements of the underworld, or simply ultra radicals, with an organizational structure of their own, are practically the protagonists of the main actions in the streets”, said the journalist during the “Confidentials” section of his Sunday program “José Vicente Hoy” (José Vicente Today) .

Rangel reveals that six members of the Democratic Unity Board (MUD) are actually taking part in demonstrations by the Venezuelan opposition, while “the rest of them always seem to have an excuse not to do it”, he says. “It shows weakness in their leadership”.

Regarding the military intelligence agencies, they have come to the conclusion that the cause by which violence has increased considerably in the last marches of the Venezuelan opposition and thus diminished the participation of the people who habitually participated, is due to fear of violence, “The attendees feel unsafe”, according to journalists and the pollsters who consult them.

“Safety for the protesters is mainly provoked against by groups that act without complying with directions and who carry out violent actions, the claims increase, after each demonstration and criticism is directed to senior directives who are reluctant to clarify the situation, to condemn the excesses and to regain control of the situation”, he said.