Laws passed by the National Assembly (AN) are unconstitutional, and shall be settled by the Supreme Justice Court (TSJ), as reported on Wednesday Julio Chavez, deputy to the National Assembly by the Homeland Block.
«All these instruments, such as those that were approved yesterday, tend to take jurisdiction and authority from the President of the Republic. The opposition has been hastily raising laws in order to go dismantling the conquests and social achievements of the Revolution «.
In addition -he pointed out- they tend to take competences, powers and attributions from the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, as in the case of the partial reform to the Organic Law which Reserves Activities of Exploration and Exploitation of Gold and Strategic Minerals to the State.
In an interview for the «El Desayuno» (The Breakfast) program, broadcast by VTV, he said that this reform is introduced «In a hastily manner, violating the internal rules of debate, and they do not present a detailed report on the feasibility and economic impact of these laws.»
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