«I have decided, and thus we are communicating it to the Government of Colombia and to the border authorities of Brazil, an extension of the border closure for 72 hours more: Friday, Saturday and Sunday,» with a strict military and police cooperation. This was announced by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, on Thursday.
«Total despair in the mafias that pretend to live off the Venezuelans, off our currency. Mafia mobsters want to live off the work of others, off the foreign currency, off the gas of others, off the wealth of others», he said.
Maduro said that «This is the beginning of a plan, and thus I say so. I want good, healthy, harmonious relations with the entire border zone, I have already told the producers. All of your products we want to buy, in the currency that you accept from us, in a legal way and in win – win terms».
«We are ready to continue buying everything that has to be bought from Colombia, but with a healthy, fair, balanced trade, and not hurting Venezuela. We are going to play hard, enough of this, and I request for the full support of the whole Venezuela in defense of the interests of Venezuela and for harmonious relations of respect for international law and shared development of our peoples and borders. »
His statements came this Thursday, from Miraflores Palace in Caracas, during a meeting held with part of the Executive Cabinet to evaluate the results of the demonetization of the 100 bolivars bill.
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