Blow to mafias: in 72 hours the Bs.100 bills will be void

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, signed an emergency economic decree that establishes to withdraw from circulation the Bs.100 bills in the next 72 hours, and then give a prudent time for those who own these bills to declare and change them before the public banking and the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), in response to the operation to extract paper money that is developed from abroad as part of the actions of the economic war against the country.
«In 72 hours, starting from the publication of the economic emergency decree, (anyone) can make the exchange (of Bs.100 bills) or deposit them into their accounts, and then there will be a period of 10 days for the Central Bank of Venezuela to continue making their trade in their offices», he said, adding that the Sebin intelligence corp will be overseeing the operations. He added that in the coming days will be given several blows to the mafias that execute the economic war.
During the Sunday program, «Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro), on its 74th edition, the Head of State, ordered the Minister of People’s Power for Defense, General-in-Chief Vladimir Padrino López, and the Minister of People’s Power for Interior, Justice and Peace, Nestro Reverol Torres, to immediately close the land, sea and air routes for any entrance of the notes of this denomination that are abroad.
«It is without effect (void) the bill of 100 bolivars throughout the National Territory», announced the Venezuelan President as part of the actions to hit the mafias that extract bills to affect the economy of the country.
He denounced that from Cúcuta and Maicao, in Colombia, is carried out an operation to destabilize the Venezuelan economy, based on the permanent and massive extraction of paper money, particularly of bills of Bs.100,00. He explained that at these two Colombian cities exist a permanent center of attack on the Venezuelan currency, the exchange system and the extraction of bills, which has the support of the MUD.
He explained that similar actions have been used in other countries to destabilize the economy and society, and overthrow their Governments, with the difference that, at this moment, Venezuela has an efficient electronic payment system and a large number of citizens within the banking system.
In order to demonstrate his denounce, the President showed images of lots of banknotes being hoarded in Colombia, Brazil, Germany, the Czech Republic and Ukraine, among other countries. He said that more than 300 billion Bolivars are estimated in the hands of the international mafias directed from Colombia, as part of the economic coup that is being executed against the Bolivarian nation.
He recalled that starting on December 15 will begin to circulate the new monetary cone, starting with the bills of Bs.500,00.
He ordered General Nestor Reverol to meet this Monday with the Banking Association of Venezuela and thus coordinate the withdrawal of the bill of Bs 100 in 72 hours, and added that any person who works will have all the support of the Venezuelan State.
Finally, he explained that for several months, it has been demanded to the Colombian Government – through diplomatic channels – to take actions in this matter and to eliminate Resolution No. 8, which allows the Bolivar price to be discretionary at the border. which facilitates the installation of mafias in Cúcuta that attack the Venezuelan currency.