Maduro: We must prepare ourselves to achieve the productive and economic recovery of the country

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, during an address from the Mountain Headquarters in Caracas, reiterated that we must prepare ourselves to achieve the productive and economic recovery with the 15 engines of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda.
The President requested to Ricardo Menéndez, Vice President of Planning and Knowledge, for routes, goals, methods and plans for each of the 15 engines and sub engines, as well as he requested Vládimir Padrino López, head of the Great Mission Sovereign Supply, for an Offensive Plan in three specific engines: Agrifood, Pharmaceutical and Industrial.
The president requested a meeting with the more than 850 Productive Councils of Workers (CPT) of the country’s 850 basic companies and make a plan «to see the productive scope, how much does it need in bolivars, in dollars, in raw materials, to see it Everything, let’s do it, comrades».  He asked the Minister of Basic Industries for a detailed, concrete, realistic plan of all the basic and socialist enterprises in the country.
Maduro affirmed that Venezuela has a great industrial apparatus for the recovery of the country, criticizing that «the resources arrive and then the product ends up in the hands of a trucker, of a mafia that takes it to Colombia or hoards it and then resells it at a higher price». Maduro warned that the solution is not in the free market economy, but in the field of construction and the new distributive mechanisms of real pricing in a country.
He emphasized: «I have said it for four years, we have not made it, we have not succeeded, and I could say that it is the great weakness that we have today, if you tell me which is the weakness of the revolutionary process in the economic scope, is that the parasitic bourgeoisie controls the processes of distribution and pricing and is stealing the people right in our face, in our face they are stealing the people, we have to govern the economy, «criticized the National President.