Mission Alimentation has distributed 15,126 tons of food in new stage

The Minister of People’s Power for Alimentation, Rodolfo Marco Torres, informed the country on Monday regarding the advances that have been made in the relaunching of the Mission Alimentation and the activation of the production engines.
In this regard, he said that the implementation of the new System of Food Distribution has had positive effects on the population, through the development of the four actions that comprise it: the network of community warehouses, the planned house-by-house distribution, the activation of missions bases and social programs.
Upon activation of the communal warehouses, the minister said they have conducted a review of 5,702 and so far have been certified 2,194, which has enabled to directly benefit 658,000 families. “It is a very important aspect, because in here are involved the organized communities, and we are verifying the actions, the work”.
With the planned house-by-house distribution, have been delivered in 15 days 7,300 tons of food. “This weekend we got to 990 homes across the country, and we got to serve 280,800 families”, said Marco Torres from Miraflores Palace in Caracas.
With the activation of 1,177 Mission bases, were reached 361,154 families and a total of 5,093 tons of food were distributed.
Likewise, on social programs, “were supplied foodstuffs to 13,854 locals, for a total of 2,327,152 people attended,” said the head of the alimentation office.
In overall figures, thanks to the development of the four aforementioned actions, “have been distributed 15,126 tons of food for the people, which allows us to continue fighting the economic war waged in the country”.