The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela offered the balance of the visit made to Cuba, where was established a binational agenda for 2016-2030, and the contribution of the Caribbean country’s to the strategy of the 14 productive engines implemented in Venezuela. Particularly in the tourism, mining, industrial and agricultural engines.
During a session of the Council of Ministers, held on Saturday night, the Head of State announced the expansion and strengthening of the Barrio Adentro Mission, to extend medical services to a 100% of coverage of the country’s communities.
The agreement includes the deployment of male and female doctors and nurses, strengthening of the CDI (health care centers) and Barrio Adentro (First stage health care) modules, plus the Cuban sports mission.
The President referred to his meeting with Fidel Castro, a meeting that served to remember the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, to whom he described as «the best friend of Cuba».
He added that they are detailing the steps to take to follow to continue working within the framework of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (Alba), in the construction of an economic, commercial, production and financial zone.
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