The First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, revealed on Monday that the right wing is preparing a national strike by the end of the year, in order to oust President Nicolas Maduro , given their inability to meet a 20% of the signatures required for the activation of the recall referendum.
«They’re going to accept the conditions of the CNE, in the end they will not achieve the signatures and will go to the streets, then to make calls to disobedience and strikes. Get prepared, Venezuelans, that is the recipe that the opposition has prepared for the end of the year. »
During his participation in the «La Pauta de Hoy» (Today’s Schedule) program, broadcast by Venezolana de Television, Cabello said that this is part of the double game of the right wing, as it happened in 2002 when the opposition sat down at the negotiating table while a group was in Plaza Altamira and another was behind the oil strike.
The also deputy by the Homeland Bloc warned on the misleading offer of the self-styled Board of Unity (MUD), which said it was possible a recall referendum this year, despite not having met the lapses within the law for the application the popular consultation, and the mistakes of its leadership.
«This year there will be no recall referendum, they know this, but also the majority of the Venezuelan people know that there will be no referendum because of the ineptitude of their leaders,» whom he described as a masquerade spokespersons.
People on the street against MUD attacks:
Cabello said the Chavista people will remain on the streets to counter the fascist right wing plans. «The people gets mobilized whenever it feels that the revolution or its achievements may be at risk.»
On the so-called «Red October» destabilization plan that drive radical sectors of the right wing, the deputy recalled that since the arrival of Nicolas Maduro into Government he has sorted out endless attempt for a Coup d’ Etat, which have been defeated by the presence of the people in the streets.
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