The Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) declared thisThursday as constitutional the extension for 60 more days of the decree of the state of economic emergency.
This decree came into force in January this year, and its main objective is to protect the rights of health, housing, education and food of all Venezuelans, and thereby to ensure progressivity in a scenario of a downfall of a 70% in prices of oil, and on the attack on the national economic dynamics, carried through actions such as speculation and attack on the currency.
In this regard, the Executive Vice President, Aristobulo Isturiz, on last March 15 requested at the National Assembly an extension of this decree, thus continuing the fight in reinvigorating the economy.
The legislature, formed mostly by right-wing deputies, denied on Thursday the extension of the legal instrument, as the same «was not justified», an action that showed the unwillingness of the opposition deputies in overcoming the current economic scenario.
For this reason, the highest court in the country, «Declared the constitutionality of Decree No. 2270 of March 11, 2016, published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on Extraordinary No. 6219 of the same date, issued by the President of the Republic, through which is extended for sixty (60) days the deadline set in Decree No. 2,184 of January 14, 2016», as reports the Supreme Court in a press release.
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