The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, met on Tuesday with William Kendall, member of the Political Affairs Division of the United Nations Organization (UN) to discuss the territorial dispute of the Essequibo between Venezuela and Guyana.
«Venezuela, from the colonial era and since the glorious days of independence afterwards, always extended to the Essequibo (…) Therefore, this whole dispute has a historical character (..) We thank to the Secretary General (of the UN) for allowing to open the doors so this issue may go channeling through the way of the Geneva agreement (…) which, as known, is the agreement that rules the entire process of the Essequibo by way of diplomacy and peace», said the President from Miraflores Palace.
He said the Venezuelan Government hopes that soon can be managed the figure of the Good Officer so it can be progressively integrated and thus achieve a consensus between the parties.
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