The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro said on Monday that some «well known» people, sought for the Tumeremo case in Bolívar to have a political intention, and there are details about it which will be announced shortly.
«There are parliamentarians and politicians in the zone, whose names will be known at due time, who are linked to paramilitary gold mafias», detailed the head of state during an interview with the program «7 Preguntas Con» (7 Questions With), hosted by Ernesto Villegas and broadcast by the Telesur TV station.
In this regard, he noted that there are key people declaring, and the prosecution, in conjunction with the joint committee designated by the State, continues making the relevant investigations and the search for the main suspect of these unfortunate events.
«We have already captured the material actors, we are after the boss who directed these bands and there are wealthy people linked with this. The joint committee will give more details later, so the country knows what these groups are capable of making», added the President.
Faced with a possible involvement of some security corp or official of the State in this case, the National President stressed, «if they are involved, they would go to prison, we would act with the full weight of the law and morality to protect the Venezuelan people».
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