This Wednesday through a telephone contact with the plenary of the Homeland Congress, Lawmakers chapter, which took place at the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro stressed that in six months in office the current national Assembly (NA), with an opposition majority, has been a scam and a failure for the country, and therefore he urged the revolutionary parliamentaries to activate cores of political work throughout the entire national territory.
He noted that the Chairman of the AN, Henry Ramos Allup, has refused to a national dialogue and devoted himself to seek the intervention of Venezuela, insulting the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and to disown its Government.
«What does Mr. Ramos Allup thinks?, That he is above the Constitution and the laws?» Asked the President.
He invited once again to a National Dialogue, taking as points of work the recovery of the economy and the normalization of relations between the political sectors.
«The opposition must rectify immediately and sit down to talk without conditions.»
Presidente Nicolás Maduro: Sectores de la ultraderecha pretenden causar daño a la economía para llegar al poder político
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