In a context of national renewal and unity, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated during the first meeting of the National Commission for Constitutional Reform that «Venezuela is in a phase of reactivation of the Original Constituent Power.»

This announcement marks a significant step towards a process of deep reform, which aims to prevent the policies of violence and destabilization promoted by certain sectors of the opposition.

In his speech, the President highlighted the importance of «the beginning of the meeting with the National Commission for Constitutional Reform containing clear ideas and objectives, so that the Venezuelan people know what the reform is about, where no one can manipulate with campaigns of lies and fear.»

This declaration reflects the intention to build a social consensus around the future Constitution, thus guaranteeing the participation of citizens in this vital process.

The appointed commissions will have the following functions and coordinators:

Commission for Transformation, Modernization and Democratic Expansion: Led by the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, focused on strengthening citizen participation and democracy.

Commission of the Principles and Values ​​of the New Society: Coordinated by Attorney General Tarek William Saab. Its mission is to review and redefine the essential values ​​for the new Venezuelan social context.

Commission for the Update of the Constitution: Led by the first lady and deputy to the National Assembly; Cilia Flores, this commission will identify the areas that need updating in order to adapt to contemporary demands.

Commission for the New Diversified Economic Model: With Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez as its coordinator, it will focus on promoting a diversified and sustainable economic model.

President Maduro’s initiative reflects a renewed commitment to democratic participation and the search for consensus in the construction of a new constitutional reality in Venezuela.