36,000 community projects will be nominated in February 2 elections

This Thursday, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, reported that 36,000 community projects are registered in the National Electoral Council (CNE) and will be nominated in the popular elections that will take place on February 2.

In this sense, the head of State added that these elections will be held in the 5,334 communal circuits of the country, for the popular consultation of the proposals that the representatives of each circuit have designed:

«The Venezuela that Chavez dreamed of is being made a reality in this 2025. This is called direct, true and popular democracy,» emphasized the legitimate President of the Nation

It is important to remember that this year six (6) popular consultations will be held, of which four (4) are for community projects, one (1) for youth projects and one (1) for cultural workers of the country.

In this context, the national dignitary stated the following in relation to the participatory and leading democracy that Venezuela has: «They want to see a true democracy and an empowered people, look at the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which shines in the firmament of the history of the 21st century.»