Maduro on Isaías Rodríguez: “Courage and Unbreakable Commitment”

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, recognized the invaluable contribution of the former Attorney General of the Republic, Julián Isaías Rodríguez Díaz, in preserving the integrity of the 1999 Constitution.

During an emotional posthumous tribute held at the Federal Legislative Palace, the head of State highlighted Rodríguez’s crucial role in defending the social and labor rights of the Venezuelan people:

There were many occasions in which he saved the fundamental texts that guarantee these rights from the neoliberal maneuvers of those who, today, some have died physically and others have died morally,” said Maduro.

Honor and Glory to Isaías Rodríguez:

Maduro stressed that it was Rodríguez ”who saved the working class, the union movements and the people in general,” and assured that fundamental rights, such as the right to work, to free and quality public health, and to education, are guaranteed in the Constitution thanks to his efforts.

The president also recalled the difficulties faced by Rodríguez, who opposed those who tried to ignore the orders of Commander Hugo Chávez of appointing him as president of the Senate at the time:

Each one of these social and labor rights were the object of attempts to violate them by those who refused to comply with the popular will,” he added.

Maduro reaffirmed his government’s commitment to the Constitution, and stressed that in the last 25 years more than 31 elections have been called, despite the 930 sanctions imposed on the country.

They ask us why we call elections under these conditions. The answer is simple: We are constitutionalists, we trust the people and we act in accordance with our constitution,” he emphasized.

He announced that three elections will be held in 2025, which will include the National Assembly, mayors and governors, thus reaffirming democracy in the country.

During the tribute, President Maduro presented the family of Dr. Isaías Rodríguez with the “Post Mortem” Decoration of the Victorious Sabre of the Battle of Carabobo:

Thanks to his bravery, the plot of the Coup d’Etat of April 11, 2002 was confirmed. We lived with him days of glory. You leave embraced with the tricolor of the eight stars. Fly high!” concluded the president.