Activated fourth electron microscope in the country after the blockade imposed by imperialism

From the city of Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar state, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, activated the fourth electron microscope in the laboratory of the “Universidad Experimental Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre” (Polytechnic Experimental University – UNEXPO).

In this context, Professor Francisco Durán of UNEXPO, emphasized that after having managed to unblock the coercive measures of the United States and Europe, this microscope was incorporated into the UNEXPO microscopy and materials studies laboratory and the National Integrated Electron Microscopy System of the country.

In addition, he said that everything is framed within the Great Mission Humberto Fernández Morán, in which its second vertex indicates that the system, infrastructure and equipment of the research institutes and universities must be strengthened, since this microscope is of the highest technological level.

With these actions to promote Science and Technology, Venezuela would become a reference for the South, within the framework of what is the National Microscopy Center, and thus continue building technological independence, from Ayacucho to the Great Mission Humberto Fernández Morán.

It is important to note that with this equipment, engineering materials, strategic minerals, in addition to iron, aluminum and gold, will be evaluated, in addition to reinforcing all scientific research:

The independence of the 21st century is and will increasingly be an independence of the mind, education, culture and the greatest instrument for the generation of knowledge, science and technology. We are on the right path to the independence of the 21st century”, stressed the head of State.