FANB commemorates 200 years of the Battle of Ayacucho with a call for peace

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) celebrates the bicentennial of the Battle of Ayacucho with an emotional message from the Minister for Defense, G/J Vladimir Padrino López. In his statement, Padrino López pays tribute to the heroes of this historic conflict, reaffirming the FANB’s commitment to peace, solidarity and cooperation among the peoples of Latin America.

In his statement, the minister highlights the importance of the Battle of Ayacucho, which not only sealed the independence of Peru, but also marked a milestone in the fight for the liberation of all of South America from Spanish rule:

This feat of arms, conceived by the father of the Homeland, Simón Bolívar, and commanded by General Antonio José de Sucre, was decisive for the formation of new free and sovereign nations on our continent,” said López.

The minister recalled the words of the great marshal of Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre, on that historic day: “Soldiers! The fate of South America depends on your efforts today; another day of glory will crown your admirable perseverance.”

These words resonate strongly in the current context, where the FANB is committed to following the principles of the Bolivarian doctrine and to fighting for a multi-centered and multipolar world.

Padrino López also emphasized the valuable lessons of courage and determination that the Battle of Ayacucho left for the Venezuelan people, principles that are fundamental in the Bolivarian Revolution of the 21st century: «Today, two hundred years later, the men and women of the FANB reaffirm our commitment to peace and social justice, and we continue to forge solidarity among the brother peoples of our America,» concluded the minister.

In this sense, the FANB is determined to continue the legacy of those brave patriots, working for a future in which the independence and unity of the Latin American peoples prevail. Long live Liberty! Long live Ayacucho! The Homeland continues!