Government grants new financing to entrepreneurs in the western region

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, announced during the National Council of Productive Economy Western Region, the delivery of new financing for the states of Yaracuy and Falcón, resources that were allocated to young people, women and entrepreneurs, with the objective to boost the country’s productive economy.

The head of state said that in Yaracuy, 3,010 loans were granted to young people, 1,427 from CrediMujer and 335 from Emprende Banco de Venezuela. Likewise, in Falcón state, 1,285 loans were provided for youth, 1,535 for women and 247 for entrepreneurs.

In that sense, President Maduro recalled that 3,939 financings were allocated in Lara state. In turn, he reaffirmed that, through the Great Mission Venezuela Joven (Venezuela Youth), Great Mission Venezuela Mujer and Emprende Banco de Venezuela, a total of 10,076 new financings were delivered in the western region during the month of June, with the purpose of continue with the economic growth of the country.