President Maduro instructs to transform the State to serve the economy

We must put down indolence, bureaucratism and the corrupt managing State and place it at the service of the economy and the people, as a new efficient, light, modern and highly technological State,” instructed the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Nicolás Maduro Moros, who placed the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, at the head of this task, in order to transform the Venezuelan State to put it at the service of the economic development and well-being of the people.

During the National Council of Productive Economy (Western Region), the head of state pointed out that “In Venezuela there is growth in the real economy, it is a development of Venezuelan potential, and the private business productive forces have a promoter and an ally in me. I’m sure you are reliable and have your word and believe in you. I have shown that I believe in Venezuelan private enterprise. Public companies have to improve their management, communal companies, there are many examples. We have taken the right path, but there is still a lot to do.”

Likewise, he assured that the national economy “will no longer be an ideological political battlefield, it is a great consensus. What we are building is ours. We are not dogmatic, nor a nationalized economy or anything like that, a powerful economy to satisfy the needs of a country, to generate wealth,” said the Constitutional President.

He explained that potential investments have arrived in the country to reach the production of three thousand barrels of oil per day and for the development of gas projects. In that order of ideas, he insisted that Venezuela must support a diversified economic model that is self-sustaining with a view to export vocation.

Electric system:

On the other hand, President Maduro reported that the military forces were activated after the sabotage that occurred on the bridge over the Orinoco River. “You saw it, you were stinging, looking for a catastrophe.”

I don’t believe in hate, in fascism, in revenge. “I believe in unity, in consensus and in respect for positions, that is why I am against fascism and the fanatics of fascism, who seek to fill Venezuela with violence.”

Tourist Viaduct for Coro:

Regarding the National Council of Productive Economy, President Maduro revealed that the governor of the state of Falcón, Victor Clark, proposed building a viaduct over the Médanos de Coro dunes for tourism purposes, which will also contribute to the preservation of the National Park.

Likewise, he recalled that Commander Chávez achieved that Venezuela had the highest salary in Latin America and promoted social programs such as the Barrio Adentro Salud Mission, the literacy of the people and the construction of an inclusive and quality public education, as well as the beginning of a largest housing plan in the nation, to consolidate the social welfare state:

With God’s favor we will overcome it, because Venezuela will become the productive and economic wonder of America and we will write a gigantic page in economic history without submitting to the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank,” he concluded.