Venezuela welcomes the beginning of the peace dialogue process between the Government of Colombia and the Second Marquetalia

The Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, the People and the Bolivarian Government, welcome with satisfaction the beginning of the peace dialogue process between the Government of the Republic of Colombia and the Second Marquetalia, as part of the policy of Total peace promoted by the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro.


The Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, the People and the Bolivarian Government, welcome with satisfaction the beginning of the peace dialogue process between the Government of the Republic of Colombia and the Second Marquetalia, as part of the policy of total peace promoted by President Gustavo Petro Urrego.

The Venezuelan people, faithful to the legacy of the Liberator Simón Bolívar and Commander Hugo Chávez, within the framework of the celebration today, June 24, of the 203rd anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo, a glorious feat that forged the independence of our Homeland, expresses its unrestricted support for all initiatives and actions that lead to peace in Colombia.

Likewise, it extends the most cordial welcome to the delegations of the Government of the Republic of Colombia and the Second Marquetalia and the representation of the Governments of the Republic of Cuba and the Kingdom of Norway, which together with Venezuela participate as guarantor countries, as well as as well as the accompanying institutions of this Dialogue Table.

Venezuela, in its capacity as the host country of this first cycle of negotiations, takes this opportunity to reiterate its commitment to continue working vigorously for the reconciliation of our beloved Colombia and to make our Latin America and the Caribbean a territory of peace, union and prosperity.”

Caracas, June 24, 2024