New loans are approved to benefit young people and entrepreneurs

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, approved new credits intended for the new beneficiaries who join the Great Mission Venezuela Women, Great Mission Venezuela Youth, Crejadoven, Credimujer and entrepreneurs, for a total of 93,000 financings in the month of June.

There are 40,000 direct loans for Credimujer, 40,000 Credióven, 13,000 for Emprender from Banco de Venezuela and there would be 93,000 in the month of June, in July 100,000,” said the head of state, while recalling that, Compared to January-May 2023, collection has grown by 93% for income, credits, major missions, school and university arrangements.

Likewise, the first authority of the Bolivarian nation highlighted that compared to the collection of May 2023 with May of the current year, it increased 158%. “We are going to achieve a great goal this year; “That is good for the country, since the money will be used for the works.”

On the other hand, he stressed that the indicators indicate that Venezuela is advancing in the economic recovery which has been achieved with work, intelligence and hard work. “We have to thank the economic dialogue, the National Council of Productive Economy,” he concluded.