Arreaza: Venezuela has not received a response from the Colombian Chancellory after attack on the consulate

The Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, reported this Wednesday to Colombian radio station W Radio that the Venezuelan Government sent a verbal note of protest to the Colombian Foreign Ministry «but we have not received any kind of response».

This is a note in rejection of the acts of vandalism against the Venezuelan consular headquarters in Bogotá, an event that will be reported to the United Nations (UN).

«From Colombia the Venezuelan subject is one of a compulsive obsession. The Venezuelan Consulate is an example of how the bilateral relationship is, Venezuela does not want the relationship to be at that level», said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He added: «President Nicolás Maduro offered to resume consular relations with Colombia; it is necessary a sanitary control, to avoid the irregular passage of the Venezuelan migrants».

Dialogue in Venezuela:

On the other hand, the foreign minister told W Radio from Colombia that the Venezuelan Head of State has met with the Venezuelan opposition this year. «If a delegation from Norway comes, it will be welcome», he added.

Arreaza recalled that Nicolás Maduro has exceeded the historical record of calls for dialogue. «The extreme opposition should be asked if they want to dialogue, and if they can do so in the face of external interests».