President Maduro gets in solidarity with FANB after attacks by violent groups

President Nicolás Maduro ratified this Thursday his solidarity with the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), especially with the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), an institution that has become the target of attacks promoted in recent days by violent groups supported by an opposition sector.

Caracas, May 04. AVN.- In the spaces of the Venezuelan Sovereign Production Expo, which takes place in the Patio de Honor of the Fort Tiuna Military Complex in Caracas, the President said that these attacks, which are part of a coup d’ etat plot, will be stopped so that Peace reigns.

“The Bolivarian National Guard has given a great, heroic battle, with height. They have lost men, killed by snipers and wounded by snipers, attacked by groups and criminal gangs that have arisen in arms against the Republic” an onslaught that will be defeated to strengthen peace, he said.

The Head of State said that with the Constituent Assembly will end with the defeat of those who promote violence and those who support an interventionist agenda against the country.

The Expo aims to exhibit the potential in the pharmaceutical and food industry that has the nation.
The event, which will run until May 7, will include national and international exhibitors who will present innovations from the Industrial, Pharmaceutical and Agri-food engines of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda (AEB) as part of the Great Sovereign Supply Mission (GMAS) .