US Congress recognizes that sanctions caused economic crisis and migration in Venezuela

The unilateral coercive measures applied by the United States government against Venezuela not only did not yield the expected results to overthrow the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, but also contributed to the economic crisis of our country, as revealed the recent report by the US Congressional Office of Research Services:

These sanctions failed to overthrow Maduro and contributed to an economic crisis in the country that has driven 7.7 million Venezuelans to flee,” as indicates the document.

It adds the Congress closely follows the Venezuelan Government’s compliance with the Barbados Agreements signed in October last year and noted that this legislative body “could seek to modify the United States sanctions policy” towards Venezuela.

The text indicates that some members of the US Congress “have supported the relief of sanctions, arguing that the broad sanctions have not achieved their objectives and have harmed the Venezuelan people”, referring to the partial lifting of coercive measures. in sectors such as oil and gas, decreed in October 2023 by the administration of President Joe Biden.

It should be noted that in May 2022, a group of 18 Democratic congressmen asked President Biden to lift the coercive and unilateral measures against Venezuela, pointing out that they did not achieve their objectives and, on the contrary, aggravated the humanitarian situation.