Do continue from conspiracy to conspiracy, do continue from one adventure to the other and you will continue biting the dust of defeat. Against each conspiracy, more revolution, more mobilized people.”

This was forcefully expressed by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, during the central commemorative event for January 23, 1958, which took place in Caracas. An activity that also mobilized the People’s power on a national scale in various marches.

In this regard, the Head of State highlighted that once again the Revolution surpasses the conspiracies and assassinations that the Venezuelan right wing has orchestrated together with the United States to threaten peace in Venezuela:

We tell you: Nicolás is not to be overthrown by last names, we say it to those last names, we tell them: You will not return! Don’t get dressed, you are not going! (…) We have to prepare ourselves with a positive mind to face the future, a positive attitude that we are the guarantee of peace and the Homeland.”

He recalled that on this day 5 years ago, was self proclaimed as “president” Juan Guaidó, who resides in the United States and shows on social networks the luxuries with which he currently lives:

To the Ledezmas, to the Capriles, to Machado, to Guaidó, five years after you said to Guaidó: My president!, Where are you? and Where is the People? I ask: Where is Guaidó and where is Maduro? Are they better now? Do they have more strength? Or is the people of Venezuela stronger than ever today? Draw your own conclusions!“ He sentenced.

At that time the panorama became disturbing for many, given such claims from the right wing. The national leader recalled his response to the sovereign people in that moment of uncertainty:

I told you: (have) nerves of steel, calm and sanity, maximum unity and popular mobilization that we shall overcome, and here we are victorious, 5 years later we defeated the empire, the fascist right wing and we have to prepare for the future,” he stated.

With a view to the economic and productive growth of the country, the Dignitary pointed out that the formula that “will guarantee us to continue riding, economic recovery, social recovery, peace and build sustainable prosperity, no longer dependent on oil, but on work and the new wealth created by collective work” is the application of the 7T-2030.

For this reason, he invited all entrepreneurs to join with proposals and projects that multiply the strength of the 7Ts.

With the 7T-2030 we are going to conquer and build the glorious future of the Venezuelan power that our Commander Chávez dreamed of,” he pointed out.

The President concluded his speech by assuring that the presidential electoral process planned for this year will be carried out regardless of the obstacles:

I’m telling you: Come rain, shine or lightning, this year we are going to election number 31, there will be presidential elections in Venezuela (…) The people will triumph again,” he highlighted.