Immortal remains of General Domingo Antonio Sifontes arrive in Caracas

After traveling from several states in the country, this Monday the mortal remains of the independence leader, General Domingo Antonio Sifontes, arrived at the Monumental Paseo Los Próceres (The Heroes Stroll) in the capital city.

National Executive authorities received the General known as the “Terror of the English” with honors, in an alley of honor in which he was accompanied by the people of Caracas; in addition to military personnel.

The immortal remains of General Sifontes arrived at the headquarters of the Bolivarian Military Academy, located in Fort Tiuna, where they will remain in the funeral chapel until Tuesday, when will be transferred to the National Pantheon as the final destination.

The head of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández, and other national government authorities were present in the caravan. They were received by the military high command at the House of the Blue Dreams, as the Bolivarian Military Academy of Venezuela is known.

The Strategic Operational Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, highlighted that, “from this moment on, General Sifontes will be in the Funeral Chapel so that honors can be paid to him.”