On DEC-14 the truth of Venezuela triumphed in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

By ratifying that in the consultative referendum on the Essequibo territory triumphed the reason, arguments and the truth of Venezuela, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, affirmed that the dialogue initiated with the government of Guyana on December 14, established the foundations of peace for the debate and discussion on this controversy:

December 14 will be written in the history of Bolivarian Peace Diplomacy as a day of triumph of the truth of Venezuela before Latin America and the Caribbean, a day of triumph of our truth, of our libertarian vocation, of our vocation unionist, of our diplomatic capacity,” said the Dignitary during a meeting with members of the Military High Command of the Bolivarian Revolution, commanders of the Strategic Comprehensive Defense Region (REDI) and the Integral Defense Operational Zone (ZODI).

From the Ayacucho Hall, located in Miraflores Palace, he exalted the historical and revolutionary consciousness of the Venezuelan people who exercised their right to vote last December 3 during the consultation of the Essequibo territory:

There is the precious and valuable analysis and the awareness of our people, to know that we are moving forward. “It was fair, correct and necessary to hold the debate, to call the referendum, and for popular sovereignty to set the terms of the future of Guayana Esequiba,” he noted.

In the same order of ideas, the Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), rejected the campaign promoted by the US government and sectors of the Venezuelan right wing, which sought to prevent consultation with the Venezuelan people on Guayana Esequiba.

Finally, he thanked the REDI and ZODI Commanders and the country’s military personnel: “We conquered peace, we earned peace and no one can mess with peace. Let’s take care of it, take care of it and protect internal peace (…) to overcome the tests that life has given us and we have managed to consolidate peace and internal security, the monolithic union of the Bolivarian Armed Forces tested against everything and at all times. My congratulations, my thanks,” he concluded.