Productive engines will be strengthened after President Maduro’s historic tour of China

The Minister of People’s Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, pointed out that the agreements recently signed between the People’s Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will allow the nation’s Productive Engines to be strengthened.

He said the province of Shandong is an agro-industrial province and an alliance was established with the states of Anzoátegui and Monagas, where President Nicolás Maduro has created a new Agri-Food Special Economic Zone:

We are going to work together between techno-political teams from both countries to strengthen investment, development and progress in the production of food for export,” explained the Minister.

Likewise, he announced the phytosanitary protocols were approved to allow the import of coffee and avocado to the Asian nation:

Around 20 fruit products, tropical crops, cocoa, as well as tubers and roots are under evaluation,” he added while inviting national producers to export their high-quality products.

Agri-food science:

The head of the Agriculture portfolio pointed out that during the historic visit of the president, Nicolás Maduro, to China he was able to learn first-hand about the technological advances to advance towards precision technology:

We saw an experience of drones for fertilization, fumigation, and irrigation systems. We were at the Academies of Agricultural Sciences of Shenzhen and Shandong, where we were able to appreciate the scope in genetics of plant production seeds (sorghum, soybeans, corn, wheat) and some fruits such as pumpkin and sweet potato,” he explained.

In addition, he confirmed the advances of the Asian nation in animal genetics, which will allow Venezuela to grow in genetic improvement in dairy, bovine and small ruminant livestock.

As an initiative promoted by President Nicolás Maduro, Anzoátegui and Monagas are part of the Special Agroproductive Economic Zone in the east of the country, with the aim of stimulating investments by national and international companies through tax incentives.