President Maduro: We are obliged to defend and preserve the Amazon

Venezuela raised its voice through the presentation of nine strategic lines of action carried out at the 4th Amazon Summit held this August 8th and 9th in the city of Belém, in the Federative Republic of Brazil:

Venezuela modestly presented 9 strategic lines of action, which we hope can be assumed jointly by the Governments and States grouped at the 4th Amazon Summit held in Brazil. We are obliged to defend and preserve the Amazon, together for the life of the planet and of humanity”, expressed the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, through his account on the X social network, @NicolasMaduro.

This Tuesday, August 8, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, led the Venezuelan delegation at the Summit, a favorable space to publicize the strategic lines proposed by the Venezuelan Head of State.

The lines of action include the creation of an OTCA task force as an instance of articulation and union, as well as the promotion and execution of a zero deforestation plan.

In the same way, Rodríguez highlighted the importance of the creation of the Amazon seed bank that allows to have and preserve the biodiversity of the region and the creation of the Amazon Research Center, in addition to the launch of an Amazon satellite that allows remote sensing of this region.

Finally, the leaders and representatives of the Amazonian countries agreed on the need to strengthen the institutional framework of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA).