The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, announced this Monday the approval of 2,610,000 Euros, resources that will be destined for the reconstruction of Las Tejerías in Aragua state.
This was indicated by the Head of State from Lara state, where he delivered the milestone of housing 4,300,000 of the GMVV:
«We did it! 4,300,000 housings. We are going along the path of Chávez, building well-being for the Venezuelan people,» said the national president.
Regarding the approved resources, he recalled that after the damages suffered by the communities of Las Tejerías after the rains registered in October, «600 families that were affected will receive the new year in their decent homes.»
In the same way, he instructed that the 1,500 families who are still housed in shelters as a result of the rains of previous years, «should have their decent housings in the first quarter of 2023.»
Innovative solutions for access to housings:
Likewise, he announced that in 2023 two new complementary plans will be launched to the Gran Msión Vivienda Venezuela (Great Mission Housing Venezuela – GMMV): «Arrienda Seguro» and «Credi Techo», «with the objective of guaranteeing access to housing for Venezuelans and Venezuelans” .
“The Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela is unstoppable. The course is clear to us: 5 million homes or more. Let’s go ahead in this loving effort for the construction of living by living and the happiness of the people. It’s the right way!