The National Assembly approved the Bill for the Reform of the Law for the Protection of Families, Maternity and Paternity, this Tuesday in ordinary session.
The reform of this Law was discussed in the second discussion by the plenary of the AN, resulting in its approval by unanimity.
For deputy Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Parliament, this Law is one of the most important electoral promises that the deputies and deputies of the block of the homeland made throughout Venezuela, during the electoral campaign of 2020:
“We even did a survey where hundreds of thousands of people participated, especially women from Venezuela. And, in that survey it was pointed out to reform this Law, to make it more consistent and progressive with what is contained in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in matters of family, the role of the family in a new society of construction of harmonic relations and solidarity”, he said.
On the other hand, he highlighted the element of paternity that is incorporated into said Law, as a fundamental issue, taking into account that 40% of families in Venezuela are single mothers. Likewise, he highlighted the condition of the peaceful solution and the resolution of disputes and conflicts within the family, to resolve through conciliation before reaching punitive and judicial elements:
“It is a law of transcendental importance for our women, for our girls and boys, and for fathers as well, because with the reform all the elements related to fatherhood that were not in its first promulgation are being incorporated. That is to say, the elements are modernized, it is expanded and for this reason the Law becomes more progressive”, specified the parliamentarian.
He congratulated all the deputies of both political benches for having sanctioned this important legal norm. Likewise, he welcomed the presence of the representatives of the Eulalia Buroz Mission, who attended as special guests.
Lastly, he exhorted the deputies, members of the Permanent Commission on Families, Freedom of Religion and Worship, to disseminate, talk with people about the goods and benefits of this Law: «That people understand that each Law approved here, it is not a dead letter; Quite the contrary, they are powerful tools for citizens to feel more protected in defense of their human rights”, announced Deputy Jorge Rodríguez.