Vice President Ñañez: Venezuela and China have a great challenge for definitive integration

This Monday, the sectoral vice president for Communication, Culture and Tourism and Minister of People’s Power for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñañez, held a videoconference on diplomatic relations between China and Venezuela, where he stressed that both nations have a great challenge to take a definitive step towards integration, not only from the political, diplomatic and commercial point of view, but also «must open an essential dimension, the cultural dimension».

During his participation in the videoconference convened by the Venezuelan embassy in China, Vice President Ñañez stressed that «it is through culture that integration can be achieved, only culture gives the exact measure of being and doing when human beings unite. Only culture can prevent death and oppression from gaining ground».

Likewise, Minister Ñañez highlighted that the event served as a scenario to award the Francisco de Miranda order to three great exponents of Chinese culture who have been able to sustain the challenge of building a better humanity through culture.

He also stressed that diplomatic relations between the two nations date back to the 20th century, but it was in 1999 with the arrival of the new century that China and Venezuela went from a simple diplomatic relationship to elevate to a strategic relationship, brotherhood to a project of nationhood «that is deeply linked to the need for the world to turn towards multi-polarity and the construction of a multi-centric structure, where all differences can live in harmony.»

«We share with China a vision of the world, each with its own historical singularity, each with its own specific project, but without a doubt each of these views converge towards the future, in the fundamental idea of preserving the independence and unity of our countries and our peoples, and also the vocation of building human relations in a different logic from that imposed in the Second World War, such as neo-liberal capitalism,» he said.

In this sense, he affirmed that both nations have built new ways of making political life, «and new ways of energizing their own economy and new ways of building an independent culture».

Finally, he took the opportunity to raise his voice against the unilateral and coercive measures that the U.S. Government insists on carrying out amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, «sanctions against Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, China, Russia, Venezuela, sanctions that will not make the world better».

«In contrast we have seen the best of human beings, solidarity, the ability to face a problem with humanity, therefore I want to thank on behalf of President Nicolas Maduro, the people of China and its government, for all the support in the midst of the pandemic not only to Venezuela, but to the peoples of the world, we are all saved or no one will be saved».