Venezuela advocates non-interference, objectivity and dialogue to impose in the UN Human Rights Council

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela advocates for the Human Rights Council of the United Nations Organization (UN) to impose the principles of non-interference, objectivity and dialogue, above imperial pressures.

This was stated by the Venezuelan head of state, Nicolás Maduro, through his account on the Twitter social network, regarding the 15th anniversary of the creation of the UN Human Rights Council.

The Dignitary stressed that “the free peoples of the world deserve to build their own destiny.”

The Council was created by the United Nations General Assembly on March 15, 2006, with the main objective of considering the situations of human rights violations and making recommendations in this regard, its web portal refers.

One year after holding its first meeting, on June 18, 2007, the council adopted its “Institution Building Package” that provides elements to guide its future work. Among these, the new Universal Periodic Review Mechanism stands out, through which the human rights situation in the 192 United Nations member states will be examined.

The meeting takes place at the United Nations Office in Geneva.