Venezuela proposes UN and WHO to declare vaccines against Covid-19 as a global public interest

Venezuela proposes the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the vaccines against Covid-19 as a good of global public interest.

This was stated this Thursday by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, during his participation, via video-conference, in the 31st Special Session of the UN General Assembly, within the framework of the fight against the Covid-19 Pandemic:

Vaccines against Covid-19 must be declared by the UN and WHO as public goods of global benefit. We live in times of solidarity, they have to be times of cooperation and human solidarity,” said the Venezuelan President.

He stressed that the pandemic has revealed the great vulnerabilities, not only of developing countries but also of the most powerful and wealthy countries in the world.

Faced with the reality of the global health crisis, the Venezuelan head of state stressed that multilateralism has been shown to be the answer to cooperate and advance in the fight against the virus.

In his speech he commented on the progress made by Venezuela to combat the coronavirus, through an effective and adequate response despite the economic, financial and commercial attacks to which it has been subjected with sanctions promoted by the Government of the United States (USA):

We have served the people with dedication, discipline, conscience and a lot of love. In our country, 95% of the patients have recovered and we have had the lowest figures in our region. Thanks to our policies we have managed to serve more than 98% of patients with free treatments,» he emphasized.

Likewise, he specified that Venezuela recently initiated the protocols to certify the DR10 molecule that has curative properties against Covid-19, for which he urged nations to make an alliance for its mass production:

«It is the responsibility of history and the next generations, let us not miss this opportunity to achieve a better world for all,» stressed the Venezuelan president.

Also, he denounced the financial persecution against the South American nation that has prevented in times of pandemic the acquisition of food, medicine, medical supplies and fuel; by claims of northern countries, where the health crisis has been politicized with the intention of imposing hegemonic interests.

«It is time for the great powers to give in and lift these criminal measures,» he requested.

President Maduro thanked the Non-Aligned Countries Movement (NAM) for promoting the decisions necessary for the crucial moment in which humanity is living and recognized the leadership of the WHO in the fight against the pandemic.

In addition, he paid tribute to those who have died as a result of the pandemic in the world and recognized the work and sacrifice of health professionals, scientists and health personnel who have given everything for the health and life of humans on the planet.