Jorge Rodríguez: The new NA must boost national production

The head of the «Darío Vivas» Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, met this Tuesday with Venezuelan businessmen and entrepreneurs in the city of Caracas.

In this context, he expressed, in the face of the upcoming parliamentary elections, that the new members of the legislative body will have in their hands the task of «manufacturing legal instruments that serve as scaffolding and structure for prosperity» that, in his opinion, the country needs «For the next few years.»

«We must be efficient and productive,» insisted the candidate for the National Assembly for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

He also recalled that «the State enshrined in the Constitution protects free competition, protects private and public activity.»

He was also emphatic when clarifying that «the private activity of the economic activity of the Nation has never been at odds, as enshrined in our Constitution.» However, he stressed: “But they have to be more efficient and more productive; to do so we have to accompany them with legal instruments, and that has to be our job.

Meanwhile, he urged those who hope to obtain a seat in the AN to «protect much more» the entrepreneurs and small and medium entrepreneurs; «Much more than we have already protected them,» he added.

He also underlined the need to think about laws of entrepreneurship, digital economy and sustainable cities; all with a view to protecting the Venezuelan people from the blockades and sanctions that the National Government has repeatedly denounced.