The National Constituent Assembly (ANC) will receive this Thursday the final draft of the Anti-Blockade Law, presented two weeks ago by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to confront the coercive and unilateral measures imposed by the State government. States (USA).

This was indicated this Wednesday by the Venezuelan head of state, who pointed out that this law project was debated by governors, mayors and the People’s Power.

«Tomorrow, the National Constituent Assembly will receive in plenary session of the special commission for the Anti-Blockade Law, the definitive project. The project has been improved, expanded, definitive. Tomorrow it will arrive at the National Constituent Assembly. I have great faith and hope that with this law we are going towards a great change necessary to face with courage the threats of imperialism, the imperialist persecution”, said the National President from Miraflores Palace, in Caracas.

The Venezuelan president pointed out that with this project of a constitutional law, the Venezuelan people will be able to advance towards new alliances, for the construction of a «socialist society, with a productive economy”.

He asserted that the majority of the Venezuelan people repudiates the coercive measures imposed by the United States, which have generated loses of millions to the nation – valued at more than 30,000 million dollars – as well as the difficulty of accessing medical supplies, food or fuel for meet the needs of the Venezuelan society.

He stressed that this law project will be the necessary instrument to boost the economic apparatus and generate new sources of wealth, and thus meet the needs of the people.