Arreaza: The mediatic victimization of those pardoned is worthy of a doctorate in psychology and communication

The Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, affirmed that the mediatic victimization of those pardoned is worthy of a doctorate in psychology and communication:

“After they chose violence, coups d’ etat, assassinations, destabilization, pain and death, the Western media present them as the suffered and persecuted saints”, he said.

Through his account on Twitter, @jaarreaza, the Chancellor criticized the position taken by those pardoned by the National Government, who have been presented by the Western press as victims, after having committed multiple crimes.

The decision taken by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to pardon more than 110 oppositionists, consolidates the country’s democratic path and isolates extremist positions, which contributes to the consolidation of peace and national reconciliation.

The Venezuelan diplomat cataloged the Presidential Pardon Decree granted by the National Executive, as a magnanimous gesture, equal to that of Commander Hugo Chávez in 2007, which fully interprets the Doctrine of Simón Bolívar. However, up to now the various media have classified these citizens “as suffering and persecuted saints”.