Chancellor Arreaza repudiates resurgence of police aggression in the US despite protests

Police attacks against Afro descendant people in the United States (USA) do not stop, despite months of peaceful protests, «or calls from broad sectors of the American society and the international community»,» argued the Chancellor of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza.

Arreaza expressed in his account on Twitter how the State security forces lashed once again, when they carried out an extrajudicial execution.

It was known on Sunday that a black citizen in Wisconsin, north of the country, was shot while being pursued by the police, «A video of the incident recorded from a mobile phone, and which went viral, shows how a black man is followed by two armed police officers as he heads to a gray van. When he opens the door and tries to sit in the driver’s seat, one of the policemen takes him by the shirt and shoots him several times in the back» as international media refer.

The victim underwent emergency surgery and was hospitalized in an intensive care unit in the city of Milwaukee, about 25 miles north of where the events occurred on Sunday afternoon.

The incident, which occurred three months after African-American George Floyd was suffocated by a white police officer in Minneapolis, in the neighboring state of Minnesota, at that time was strongly condemned by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice said its criminal investigation division is investigating what happened. «The officers involved have received an administrative discharge», he said in a statement.

The officers were also suspended and an investigation was opened on Monday after 29-year-old Jacob Blake was seriously injured hours earlier by gunshots in the back in Kenosha, Wisconsin, causing strong riots and the imposition of a curfew. local.

«And this morning, the nation wakes up once again in pain and outrage that another black American is the victim of excessive force,» said Biden, Donald Trump’s next rival in the November 3 election.