Installed World Encounter Against Imperialism

The World Meeting against Imperialism began in Caracas, with the participation of more than 1,000 national and international delegates from social and political movements of the five continents and whose motto is the fight «For life, sovereignty and peace», an event that will run until January 24.

During the act of installation of the Meeting that takes place in the Bicentennial Hall of the Alba Caracas Hotel, the constituent and delegate for Venezuela, Julio Chavez, said that this activity has as an end “the integration of the peoples that today assume the responsibility of facing and defeating the hegemony of the American empire, which only seeks to end socialism».

«Today we are answering the call of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to create a unitary platform of all parties and movements that will allow us to advance in socialism», said Chávez.

He also said that «the presence of these political representatives represents a great success and gives a blunt blow to what the empire expected»

For his part, the National Director of Syria’s Baaz Party, Muhsen Bilal, said that the presence of social parties and movements is a great advance in the defense of sovereignty and in the fight against the US empire, and stressed that we are living «Times of the peoples, and not the times of the colony.»