President Maduro rejected foreign interference and reiterates his willingness to dialogue

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, rejected the foreign interference exerted by the White House when trying to protect the decisions of the Venezuelan National Assembly.

«The United States government should not get into matters that are solely of Venezuela», he said on Friday during an interview with the American newspaper The Washington Post, at Miraflores Palace.

In his statements, the head of state repudiated the report of the official website of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) where they admit to having paid more than 460 million dollars to sectors of the Venezuelan ultra-right wing under the excuse of “humanitarian assistance”.

“What can the congressmen of the United States think, on that the government of their country has given 467 million dollars to a single person in the world, and it is unknown where that money went? What does the comptroller and the United States congress think? ” asked Maduro.

The Venezuelan president said that the only person responsible for having lost the presidency of the National Assembly was Guaidó himself because of his own awkwardness in his failed attempts at leadership and his frequent acts of corruption.

United States and opposition lied in order to hide the failure of April 30:

After the defeat of the attempted coup d’etat of April 30, 2019, the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, offered statements in which he intended to damage the image of high authorities of the Bolivarian Government, including the President of the Judicial Branch, Maikel Moreno, the Minister for Defense, GJ. Vladimir Padrino López, and the General Director of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM), MG. Iván Hernández Dala.

In this regard, the President of the Republic ratified his confidence in the commitment and loyalty of the aforementioned officials, and the institutions they lead.

«There were many lies to cover the failure of April 30, these lies came directly from John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, among others (…) those identified with this intrigue have ratified the trust to the institutions», expressed the Dignitary, when asked about the subject.

Bolivarian Government is willing to increase dialogue actions:

«I am willing to increase the actions of dialogue with all sectors of the opposition for a political peace agreement, for an electoral agreement and to solve the problems the Nation has», said the head of state during the interview.

The Bolivarian Government defends the dialogue to settle differences and reach agreements in favor of the country, specified at the time of ratifying that the parties involved will remain active at the national dialogue board, guided by the desire for peace.

However, the Dignitary whipped the opposition sector, headed by Juan Guaidó, for their immaturity and political inconsistency, and asserted that it is a sector that lacks seriousness and negotiation strategies.

He explained that in the framework of the talks held in Oslo, Norway, were able to count a total of 122 proposals from the government and the opposition sector, of which 80 percent were approved to form a mutually agreed work agenda.