The Bolivarian Government issued a statement on Monday to support the heroic people of Ecuador who opposed in recent weeks the neo-liberal economic measures that the president of that nation, Lenín Moreno, wanted to impose.
Following, the full text:
«The People and Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela join the joy of the brave people of Ecuador, who after 12 days of admirable struggle and resistance, has succeeded in having the Government of that country repeal the infamous decree 883, which sought to implement the failed and inhuman economic recipes of the International Monetary Fund, whose consequences would fundamentally impact the most vulnerable sectors of the population.
The lesson of dignity given by the most humble of Ecuadorian society by taking the streets with commendable determination, despite the savage police and military repression to which they were subjected, inevitably recalls the epic resistance of the Venezuelan people, pioneer of these battles and popular victories, when faced with the measures of the International Monetary Fund three decades ago.
Ecuadorian indigenous nationalities, their bases and organizations deserve an special acknowledgement for the valour and courage shown in the streets, together with the social and labor movements that unitarily manifested themselves without rest during the last 12 days.
It should be noted that, neither the unprecedented repression deployed by law enforcement, nor the pain before the death and injuries of fellow protesters, nor the more than 2000 detainees, nor the widespread misinformation, or the criminalization of the protests, managed to appease the will of the Ecuadorian popular classes to achieve reversing such unfair economic measures.
By reiterating his admiration for the courageous people of Ecuador, composed of worthy heirs and heirs of the noble and just causes of Simón Bolívar, Manuelita Saenz, Antonio José de Sucre and Eloy Alfaro, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela considers that the present Popular victory over the International Monetary Fund must be a definite milestone so that never again any government in Our Latin America and the Caribbean yields to the dominant economic classes and submits to the criminal and unpopular opinions of the anachronistic international financial institutions».
Caracas, October 14, 2019