The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, met with workers of PDVSA, at its headquarters in La Campiña, located in Caracas, to drive the Petrochemical Engine.
During the event, the President signed the Framework Convention of the Exporting Seed Fund in the petrochemical sector for companies in the plastics sector.
The Petrochemical and Hydrocarbons Engine is part of the 15 engines that President Maduro developed with the objective of consolidating a new socio-economic model.
The Head of State stressed that: «At this important step, are present 123 companies participants of the petrochemical engine».
As you may recall, last February, the Head of State signed the decree for the creation of the Zone of National Strategic Development of the Orinoco Oil Strip, Maduro also added that «throughout this whole area we must activate diverse strategic projects which will allow us to develop other areas of petrochemicals. »
President Maduro has called on all public and private companies to join in various projects that will allow to give to this Development Zone an impulse and thus generate other sources of productive development, alternative to oil.
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