The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, reaffirmed that the only way to settle the differences between Venezuelans and solve the political crisis with the opposition and the United States Government (USA), is through permanent dialogue.
This related to the assertions by the US management regarding the current situation facing Venezuela with multiple attempts of a coup d’etat, implying that «all options are on the table», seeking to establish a military intervention.
«It is false since there is no dialogue, there is no respect for international law, the charter of the United Nations, the Venezuelan constitution and there is no dialogue with the United States. What is there are their options for strength, «he said during an interview with the news media of Latin America and the Caribbean (Nodal).
He stressed that it is the option for which the Bolivarian Government has always advocated, reiterating its democratic spirit unlike the Venezuelan right wing that must wait for Washington’s authorization to respond.
«I hope the opposition achieves its independence from the dictates of the United States», he said.
Regarding the so-called Operation Freedom led by the former deputy of the National Assembly in contempt (AN), Juan Guaidó, through which he tried to execute a coup d’état, he said it failed, since it did not achieve the popular support of Venezuelans.
«Not even the militancy of the opposition went massively to support them, only a few small groups, and the fugitive Leopoldo López who they managed to set free, and eho that day ended up seeking refuge in an embassy. Mr. Guaidó has failed», he said.
Likewise, Arreaza denounced the US pretensions in its obsession to conspire in alliance with the Venezuelan ultra-right and satellite governments, with the objective of taking control of Venezuela’s oil wealth.
«Mr. Trump, Mr. Pence, Mr. Bolton, Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Abrams, Mr. Marco Rubio, are all leading this continued coup d’état», he remarked.
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