International Security Conference condemns aggression towards Venezuela

The 8th International Security Conference of Moscow started this Wednesday by rejecting the interventionist actions by the United States towards Venezuela and the world.
As part of the opening ceremony, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a message to the attendees highlighting the security risks in the Middle East and rejecting the destructive approach towards Venezuela.
For his part, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned of US actions in Latin America, especially against Venezuela, and emphasized that Washington has undermined the international confidence.
Russian Defense Minister Serguei Shoigu said that the US considers the use of force to influence Latin American countries and is “exerting unprecedented pressure” on Venezuela.
According to Shoigu, the United States is re-launching the Monroe doctrine “in order to limit the sovereignty of Latin American countries, to pressure those who do not follow the same policies as Washington. As an instrument of pressure they take into account all possible methods, including force”, said the minister.
“The best example is the situation in Venezuela, where the legitimate Government is exposed to an unprecedented external pressure”, he added.
On the other hand, Shoigu announced that his country will carry measures before the practical actions carried forward by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization near the Russian borders.
During his participation, Shoigu expressed his rejection of the attacks last Sunday in Sri Lanka.
As part of the activities of the conference, sessions will be held to discuss issues such as peace missions, the expansion of military cooperation and regional security in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
In this opportunity, panel discussions are also planned at expert level on crucial issues of international security and aspects such as the so-called color revolutions and hybrid wars; cyber threats and Arctic security challenges, among other issues. The International Security Conference in Moscow will run until April 25.