Chancellor Arreaza supports dialogue with the Montevideo Mechanism

The Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, echoed the call made by the constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to resume the Montevideo Mechanism in order to promote dialogue with the political sectors of the nation.
Through his personal account in the Twitter social network, the diplomat stressed the initiative made by the National President:
Vicepresidency Vzla
”  The chancellor of the Republic @jaarreaza, applauded the call made by the head of State, @NicolasMaduro, to retake the Montevideo Mechanism in order to promote dialogue with the nation’s political sectors”
13:10 – Apr 7 2019
The Montevideo Mechanism, (Uruguay, Mexico, CARICOM and Bolivia) is the most sincere and rigorous initiative that has been proposed. President Nicolás Maduro called on Saturday for its activation. Dialogue and politics are always the way. War and violence have no place in Venezuela”, wrote Arreaza.
Venezuelan Chancellory
“#NEWS | Montevideo Mechanism: a rigorous dialogue proposal for Venezuela’s political sectors # VenezuelaWantsDialogueAndPeace # HandsOffVenezuelaTrump”
2:30 – 7 Apr 2019