The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, informed on Tuesday that will be created a Special Military Zone in order to protect mining municipalities from violent facts and attacks, and for this will be deployed renewed and strengthened units.
From Miraflores Palace where the President participated in the ceremony to mark the International Women’s Day, he said that the truth of what happened in Bolivar State will be clarified, and in this regard, said State already counts with the presence of Generals, Officers and Admirals of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), who are working to uncover the truth.
«Very soon, a General went embracing a man, to get deep into a mountain to discover the truth of a possible massacre, of a confrontation, there we have our Generals along with the People, walking through these mountains, walking through those fields», stressed the Head of State.
Likewise, he condemned the vicious attack made against the FANB by the President of the National Assembly and leader of the right wing, Henry Ramos Allup, through the social networks.
«As Commander in Chief of the FANB, I demand you absolute respect for the honor, the morals, the decency of our officers and soldiers. Enough of so much filth and attacks. Thus I ordered Padrino López to came out today, to the heads of the Redi, of the Zodi, to the commanders of each component, to go out to defend with the people the civic-military union», he said
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