John Bolton is the hawk the US has to attack President Maduro

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced John Bolton, by affirming that he is the hawk that the United States has directing all operations and attacks against President Nicolás Maduro.
He assured that Bolton threatens that the US will not acknowledge President Nicolás Maduro and will continue to exert pressure.
“This is said by a government that has been paralyzed since December 22, 2018 because of problems between the Republicans and the Democrats, they have their employees unpaid, the US state is paralyzed,” he said during his weekly program “Con el Mazo Dando” (Hitting with the Hammer).
“The attacks have a single reason, (and it is that) we do not surrender and this people has dignity”, he said.
By the way, he emphasized that the moral sanction should lead to the disqualification from public office of all those traitors to the Fatherland:
“It should lead to the disqualification to hold public office of all those traitors to the Fatherland, of all those who have called on the disowning of this Constitution. It’s a good debate to be given”, he said.