President will present the 2019-2025 Homeland Plan to the ANC to perfect it

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, will take on Monday to the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), the Plan de la Patria (Homeland Plan) for 2019-2025 with the goal that the Originary Power will perfect it and then make it a Law of the Republic:
“The backbone of this plan is the plan drawn up by Commander Chávez for the 2013-2019 term, and based on that backbone. We have given a national debate with more than 30,000 proposals. We have drawn up a plan and now it is up to the National Constituent Assembly to perfect this plan at the highest level possible. I request this”, he said.
He stressed that the ANC is the only body that can give this program the status of law because it has plenipotentiary powers.
He indicated that the Homeland Plan for this period establishes the lines to continue advancing in education, health, housing, recreation, employment, social security, economic development, infrastructure, world geopolitical vision.
He said that on the same day, will present a balance of his management during the last year, and the entire constitutional presidential term for 2013-2019.
He also reiterated that he will also give announcements in economic matters, to update what the Program for Economic Recovery, Growth and Prosperity establishes to continue protecting the salary and income of Venezuelan workers.