79% of Venezuelans in disagreement with US economic blockade towards Venezuela

A study conducted by the Hinterlaces polling company, based on 1,580 direct interviews in homes across the country, revealed that 79% of Venezuelans do not agree with the US government applying economic and financial sanctions against Venezuela with the purpose of overthrowing the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

This poll was conducted between October 31 and November 17 this year, as reports the journalist and political analyst José Vicente Rangel, during his Sunday television program broadcast by Televen.

Likewise, a 66% of the people consulted consider the decision of some opposition parties not to participate in municipal council elections on December 9 to be incorrect.

During his program, journalist Rangel highlighted the opportunity represented by municipal elections for the participation of the population and the exercise of democracy.

He also referred to the need for the democratic opposition sectors to get rid of those groups that oppose participating in the mechanisms of democracy and that promote violence or destabilization actions.