The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, announced on Thursday that Henry Ramos Allup, sent him a letter requesting to remove the Minister for Alimentation, Rodolfo Marco Torres, violating the rules of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ).
«Allup, disowning the decision of the Supreme Justice Court, approved amidst the economic emergency we are experiencing, an attack against the Mission Alimentation, against the Local Planning Committees and against the immense efforts we are doing with the falldown in oil prices to meet the needs of our people», he said.
In this regard, the Head of State affirmed, «I tell you that this decision is illicit and void, and for being illicit and void IT DOES NOT EXIST !, and I say this so simply to you: The minister will not be removed by anyone, do comply with the judgment of TSJ, that’s my answer. «
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